How to Use the Ruby hex Method



In this article, you will learn how to use the Ruby hex method.

Using the hex method

The hex method in Ruby is used to convert a hexadecimal string into its equivalent integer value. Here’s how you can use it:



The hex method can be called on a string object that contains a valid hexadecimal value. It returns an integer that represents the value of the hexadecimal string.


hex_str = "1a"
hex_int = hex_str.hex
puts hex_int  # Output: 26

In this example, the hex method is called on the string “1a”, which contains a valid hexadecimal value. The method returns the integer value 26, which is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value “1a”.

You can also use the hex method on a string that contains a prefix indicating the base of the value, such as “0x” for hexadecimal values.

hex_str = "0x1a"
hex_int = hex_str.hex
puts hex_int  # Output: 26

In this example, the hex method is called on the string “0x1a”. The method recognizes the prefix “0x” as indicating a hexadecimal value, and returns the integer value 26.

If the string passed to hex is not a valid hexadecimal value, it will return 0.

hex_str = "not_a_hex_value"
hex_int = hex_str.hex
puts hex_int  # Output: 0

In this example, the string “not_a_hex_value” is not a valid hexadecimal value, so the hex method returns 0.