How to Use the Logger in Ruby on Rails



In this article, you will learn how to use the logger in Ruby on Rails.

How to use the logger

In Ruby on Rails, you can use the built-in logger to help you keep track of what your application is doing at runtime. Here are the steps to use the logger:

  • Create a new instance of the logger class by calling Rails.logger. This will give you a logger object that you can use to write messages to various log levels.
  • Write a message to the log by calling one of the logger’s methods, such as info, debug, warn, or error. For example, if you wanted to log an informational message, you could call“This is an informational message”).
  • You can also use the logger to output variables or other data by using string interpolation. For example,“The value of x is #{x}”).
  • By default, the logger outputs messages to a file called development.log in the log directory of your Rails application. You can change the log level and format by editing the config/environments/development.rb file (or other environment-specific configuration files).
  • In addition to the default log file, you can also configure the logger to output to other destinations such as syslog, a remote server, or a database.