How to Implement Radio Buttons in Ruby on Rails



In this article, you will learn how to implement radio buttons in Ruby on Rails.

Implement radio buttons

Radio buttons are a common form element used for selecting a single option from a set of options. In Ruby on Rails, radio buttons can be easily implemented using the radio_button_tag method.

Here is an example of how to implement radio buttons in Ruby on Rails:

Define a variable to hold the set of options you want to present as radio buttons. For example, you may want to create an array of options for a user to select their preferred language:

LANGUAGES = ['English', 'Spanish', 'French']

In your view file (e.g. new.html.erb), use the radio_button_tag method to create radio buttons for each option. The method takes four arguments:

  • The name of the input field (e.g. language)
  • The value of the radio button (e.g. language_option)
  • Whether the radio button should be checked by default (e.g. false)
  • Any additional HTML options you want to include (e.g. class: “radio-button”)
<% LANGUAGES.each do |language_option| %>
  <%= radio_button_tag 'language', language_option, false, class: "radio-button" %>
  <%= label_tag language_option %>
<% end %>

In your controller, define an action to handle the form submission:

def create
  selected_language = params[:language]
  # do something with selected_language

When the form is submitted, the create action will receive the selected language as a parameter. You can use this parameter to perform some action based on the user’s selection.