How to Use Python julius Library



In this article, you will learn how to use Python julius library.

Python julius Library

The Julius library is a Python wrapper for Julius, an open-source large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) engine. It allows you to build speech recognition applications using Python.

Here are the basic steps to use the Python julius library:

Install Julius:

Before you can use the Python julius library, you need to have Julius installed on your system. You can download and install it from the Julius website.

Install Python julius library:

You can install the Python julius library using pip, the Python package manager, by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install julius
Start Julius server:

You need to start the Julius server before you can use the Python julius library. You can start it using the following command:

julius -C  -module

Replace “<path_to_config_file>” with the path to your Julius configuration file.

Connect to Julius server:

In your Python code, you can connect to the Julius server using the julius.Client class. Here’s an example:

from julius import Client

# Create a client object and connect to the Julius server
client = Client(host='localhost', port=10500)

# Receive speech input from the Julius server
while True:
    result = client.get_message()
    if result is not None:

# Disconnect from the Julius server

In this example, the Client class is used to connect to the Julius server running on the local machine on port 10500. The get_message method is used to receive speech input from the server.

Process speech input:

Once you have received speech input from the Julius server, you can process it in your Python code. You can use the julius.parse function to parse the input and extract the recognized words. Here’s an example:

from julius import parse

input_str = "こんにちは"
result = parse(input_str)
words = result.words

In this example, the parse function is used to parse the input string “こんにちは” (which means “hello” in Japanese) and extract the recognized words. The words variable contains a list of recognized words.

That’s the basic usage of the Python julius library. You can use it to build speech recognition applications, such as voice assistants or speech-to-text transcription tools.