How to Use the Python String format() Method



In this article, you will learn how to use the Python string format() method.

Python String format() Method

The format() method is a built-in function in Python that is used to format strings. It allows you to insert values into a string in a way that is flexible, powerful and easy to use. Here is how to use the format() method in Python:

Basic string formatting:

You can use the format() method by calling it on a string and passing the value you want to insert inside curly braces {}. For example:

name = "John"
age = 25
print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age))

The output of this code will be:

My name is John and I am 25 years old.
Positional arguments:

You can also use positional arguments to specify the order in which the values should be inserted into the string. For example:

name = "John"
age = 25
print("My name is {0} and I am {1} years old.".format(name, age))

The output of this code will be the same as the previous example.

Named arguments:

You can also use named arguments to specify the values to be inserted into the string. For example:

name = "John"
age = 25
print("My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.".format(name=name, age=age))

The output of this code will be the same as the previous examples.

Formatting numbers:

You can also format numbers using the format() method. For example:

number = 3.14159265359
print("The value of pi is approximately {:.2f}.".format(number))

The output of this code will be:

The value of pi is approximately 3.14.
Padding strings:

You can also pad a string with a specified character and width using the format() method. For example:

string = "hello"

The output of this code will be:

'hello     '
'     hello'

These are just a few examples of how to use the format() method in Python. You can find more information about string formatting in the Python documentation.