How to Get the Referrer URL in PHP



In this article, you will learn how to get the referrer URL in PHP.


To get the referrer URL in PHP, you can use the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] variable.

Here is an example:

  $referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
  echo "The referrer URL is: " . $referrer;

It is important to note that the HTTP_REFERER header may not be present in all cases, so it is recommended to check if it is set before using it.

The $_SERVER variable in PHP is an array that contains information about the headers, paths, and script locations. The HTTP_REFERER element of the $_SERVER array contains the URL of the page that referred the user to the current page.

For example, if a user clicks a link on page A that leads to page B, the referrer URL of page B would be the URL of page A.

It’s worth mentioning that the value of the HTTP_REFERER header can be easily altered by the client and is therefore not 100% reliable. In some cases, the referrer may not be sent at all, for example, if the user types the URL directly into the address bar or if they are coming from a secure connection (HTTPS) to an insecure connection (HTTP). In such cases, the HTTP_REFERER variable will not be set and attempting to access it may result in an undefined index notice.

In conclusion, the HTTP_REFERER header is a useful tool for determining where a user came from, but it should not be relied on for secure or critical information.