How to Use Sessions in Ruby on Rails



In this article, you will learn how to use sessions in Ruby on Rails.

Using sessions

Sessions in Ruby on Rails are used to store user-specific information across multiple requests. Here are the steps to use sessions in Ruby on Rails:

  • Enable sessions in your application by adding the following line to config/application.rb:

    config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore

    This line tells Rails to use a cookie-based session store.

  • Set a value in the session using the session method. For example:

    session[:user_id] = 1

    This will set the user_id key in the session to 1.

  • Retrieve a value from the session using the session method. For example:

    user_id = session[:user_id]

    This will retrieve the value of the user_id key from the session.

  • Remove a value from the session using the session method. For example:


    This will remove the user_id key from the session.

You can also use the flash method to store temporary data in the session that is available for the next request only. For example:

flash[:notice] = "Your changes have been saved."

This will set the notice key in the flash, which will be available in the next request.