How to Use the Python rstrip() Function



In this article, you will learn how to use the Python rstrip() function.

Python rstrip() Function

The Python rstrip() function is a built-in string method that removes all specified characters from the right end of a string. Here’s how to use the rstrip() function:


characters(optional): A string specifying the set of characters to be removed. If not specified, all whitespace characters will be removed.

Return Value

The rstrip() function returns a new string with all the specified characters removed from the right end of the original string.

Removing Whitespace Characters:
string = "  Hello World  "
new_string = string.rstrip()

# Output: "  Hello World"

In this example, the rstrip() function removes all the whitespace characters (spaces) from the right end of the string ” Hello World “.

Removing Specific Characters:
string = "Hello World!!!"
new_string = string.rstrip("!")

# Output: "Hello World"

In this example, the rstrip() function removes all the exclamation marks (!) from the right end of the string “Hello World!!!”.